You kidnapped my Heart ♥

Bonjour ♥

Hello, babies and elephants! :) Mitchy here! ♥ I was born on Valentine's Day & I'm turning 16 in year 2012. P*s;; I'm taken.♥ Welcome to Enjoy your stay & don't forget to follow me! xoxo.

Lots of love, Mish.

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Template and skins : NurIzzati
Background and Photo : We♥it

Monday, May 14, 2012 | 7:54 PM | 0 hearts♥
I've moved. Relink me yeah ;)!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | 10:19 PM | 0 hearts♥
Yeahh, I'm blogging, like finally :o busy with my homework, presentations & competitions. School life... To be honest, I totally hate it sometimes when it comes with tonnes of essay or addmath exercises. I HATE SQUEEZING MY BRAIN. Pity my brain cells. 24 hours ain't enough. but I'm sure that I'll miss this when I leave high school. *contradiction* -.- It's already end of march, one more effing month, & then mid-term exam start. #wtf. I join band this year, still hesitating whether it's a right choice or not. 'cause I'm 100% sure that my result will drop tremendously. D; wo bu yaoooo..... How am I going to manage my time? :( Hopefully I can catch up whatever subject. Opps, another caligraphy competition tmrw. Gotta go, bye!

Sentiments and reflections.
Monday, March 12, 2012 | 1:27 PM | 0 hearts♥

Attended Lion's Youth Camp 2012 last weekend at SM Kai Dee :) I had so much fun! Enjoyed very much. I didn't feel regret to participate in this camp even though I complaint much about the bathroom. HAHA! To be honest, I felt desperate to go home on the very first day but I feel reluctant to leave on the last day. All good things must come to an end. I guess many of them do feel the same like I do. Miss you guys! ;)

I gained so much through this camp. Besides, I met new friends, lovely friends. I learnt knowledge and surviving skills that maybe someday I could use in the future. I also experienced what I couldn't experience usually, such as cooking without any utensils -.- *me gusta face*

From PDG James Teo, *who said that he likes my laughter very much. Hehe! ;)* I learnt that best things in life are free! Hugs, kisses, smiles, laughter, family, sweet memory, sleep are all free! Gold has a certain price, but true love is invaluable; cherish when its available. Family, friends & the love one. He also said that, follow your heart, not your brain. Try to think what you can do for others to make a difference.

YB Larry Song, who is elected to be a YB when he was only 21 years old; who was assistant minister at 25 years old. *terrible @_@* He told us to grab the golden opportunity when it comes. Because if we missed it, it wont come to us again. He also shared his experience with us. We are glad that he can come. & we really appreciate because he paid for a helicopter just to fly over here & share his experience with us :) Thank you.

Nonetheless, I also learnt to communicate well with others. Although we are different races, ages, gender or come from different schools. Teamwork & patience is what we need to achieve success.

Proud to be a leo. ROAR!

♥ March
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 3:13 PM | 0 hearts♥
Whatt?! It's March already? Am I living in a fast-forward life? .___.
I hope that March will be awesome. Fulfilled with lots of meaningful things.
Not to forget, I wish that everyone is safe and sound :)
Besides, stay sweet with my boyfie ;P

Did I mention that I am having holidays now? Our school has an extra holiday week due to the MSSM thingy. Which has become a reason for teachers to give us tons of homework. wtf. What is the meaning for holidays? Please tell me -.- I rather attend school everyday instead of finish my homework at home during holidays. Obviously, I'm mad. How can we handle this much? *scream out loud in ma head*

Going to finish my homework now, kthanksbye. xx.

Taiwan Day 2.
Friday, March 2, 2012 | 12:40 PM | 0 hearts♥
台湾的第二天 :) 温度10'c. 冬天最不想做的事就是起床! 硬着头皮从被窝钻出来,梳洗下就出去填饱肚子. 由于我们要去淡水,所以我我们还是选择坐最方便也最省时间的捷运. 从西门站到淡水要在台北车站转站,台北车站很大很大,然后有很多吃的. 贪方便,我们的早餐也在台北车站解决了 :) 你们知道Selina的结婚伴手礼吗? 也可以在台北车站二楼找到哦. *肚子饿的不要看这篇*

Hello Kitty 迷,你们是不是要疯了? :P 真的很厉害! 都舍不得吃 -.-

和爱咪在走走考虑要吃什么的时候,*sparkles* 有东西闪到了我!就是这个!很想念!

你们看看,是不是? 是不是? 10粒299元! 盒子,袋子都很可爱!

牛肉面! 得名过的 :D 很好吃, 不愧是得奖的. 我推荐这个!

我的海鲜拉面 :) 忘了说,他们家的面都是手工的.

功夫兰州拉面合影! 为什么我们都那么肿?! -.-

台北车站 :) 吃好早餐在这里集合. 看到二楼吗? 满满都是美食.



还在等...等....等.... *像流浪汉*

诡异的人像. 而且会有水从头部流出来.


买了百香果冰棒! 无添加防腐剂的. 明明就很冷还是要虐待自己一下 :P

一个字,肿! -.-


老哥. 只有他一直在喊热 -.-

我爱咪 :)

很可爱的信箱 :)你可以在纪念品店买Postcard, 然后投进去. 至于会不会寄到,我就不知道啦. 可是我觉得应该是在postcard写上你的愿望之类的吧?

小小红毛城 :)

后面的建筑物是古迹 :) 里面存有英国人留下的餐具、家私、锅碗瓢盆 :)

盖章! 我到每一个景点都会买一张的明信片, 然后盖上他们的盖章.


淡水码头-情人桥 :) 从红毛城可以搭公车到这里. 很顺路,很方便,很便宜. 到站的时候司机会告诉你所在位置. 所以不用怕下错站.


坏蛋! :P

老哥 :)


来到淡水码头一定要做的是品尝他们的海鲜 :) 有很多事在马来西亚吃不到的. 不便宜可是一定要吃. 从码头走个20分钟就可以到这家 "大胖". 当地人推荐的.
乘斤卖 :)

他们叫这个叫九孔 :)


很大,3层楼 :) 开到11点才打烊.

第二天就这样完了. 第3天-九分! 等我整理照片。

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 | 6:58 PM | 0 hearts♥
He may not handsome compare to the star in your eyes;
He may not rich enough to buy me diamonds,
He may not clever like Albert Einstein,
He may not caring like a babysitter...

But, HE's just perfect for me :)

Happy 32nd monthsary baby! Iloveyou.

Friday, February 24, 2012 | 12:15 PM | 0 hearts♥


第一学期考试考完了. 松了一大口气,真的是该相信你们说; "Form 4 is a honeymoon year"还是不该相信? 考试太可怖了! *可怖=可怕+恐怖* 每次考试压力就大到荷尔蒙失调,胃病 -.- 是我太神经质还是...?

每天都处于崩溃边缘. 昨晚更跨张,一点才入眠,连做梦都是 biological terms -.- "Golgi apparatus is the centre of packaging, processing & transport of carbohydrates, proteins, & glycoproteins." 还一直被惊醒 -.-

至于成绩呢,目前是还满意,不管怎么样,我都做了最大的努力. 如果考不好也只能说,我不是读书的料 :)

在整理台湾的照片...顺便看我停了一个礼拜的Runnung Man :P 拜!

Happy Birthday, baby.
Saturday, February 18, 2012 | 12:57 PM | 0 hearts♥


Birthday Celebration.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | 2:00 PM | 0 hearts♥
My teacher decided to treat all of us *chinese class* cause most of us get A in Chinese :) & my classmates decided to hold a birthday party. The party was held at Chicken Hartz Buffet.
Timothy, the teddy bear.

Ambie, choosing what to eat & what to play :P

Yours faithfully :)

The boys. *B-Bring the boys out...* XD

Gorgeous lady, my teacher :)

They appear in most of my blog post -.- lOl.

One-day-older sister!


My servants :P

Besties :)

Thanks all of you who made lots efforts to organise this party. I appreciate it ;) YOu guys rawks!